EANS-News: ANDRITZ has been awarded major refurbishment contract by Hydro-Québec, Canada

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Company Information

Graz – OCTOBER 21, 2020. International technology group ANDRITZ has been selected by Hydro-Québec as the exclusive partner to re-equip potentially up to all fourteen 54-MW turbine generator units at the Carillon generating station located on the Ottawa River, Canada. Hydro-Québec has awarded the supply and installation of the first set of six turbine-generator units to ANDRITZ on September 30, 2020.

The first phase encompasses complete re-equipping of six units with new generators, speed governors and turbines. ANDRITZ is responsible for design, manufacture, transportation, assembly, testing and commissioning of the entire equipment.

The existing units were supplied and commissioned by ANDRITZ in the early 1960’s. With its knowledge of this technology as the Original Equipment Manufacturer, expertise and local presence of the company’s execution teams as well as the company’s proximity to the Carillon generating station, ANDRITZ is the perfect partner for Hydro-Québec in execution of this important project, which will span over 16 years in total, with commissioning of the last unit planned for 2036.

This order confirms the strong relationship between ANDRITZ and Hydro Québec and is another important milestone for ANDRITZ in the Canadian hydropower market. ANDRITZ has been present on the Canadian hydro market since 1890, delivering about 1,000 units with a total capacity of 50 GW in Canada. The ANDRITZ GROUP has in total around 1,000 employees in Canada.

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issuer: Andritz AG
Stattegger Straße 18
A-8045 Graz
phone: +43 (0)316 6902-0
FAX: +43 (0)316 6902-415
mail: welcome@andritz.com
WWW: www.andritz.com
ISIN: AT0000730007
indexes: ATX, WBI
stockmarkets: Wien
language: English

Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2900/aom

Dr. Michael Buchbauer
Head of Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 316 6902 2979
Fax: +43 316 6902 465

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