„Austrian Forum for Peace: A Future for Peace“ officially started in Stadtschlaining

Yesterday (Monday, 3 July), the Austrian Centre for Peace (ACP) welcomed more than 150 representatives from the fields of diplomacy, science, business and civil society to the opening ceremony of the first Austrian Forum for Peace at Schlaining Castle. Among the guests were the Director General of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Robert MARDINI, the Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League, Hossam ZAKI, and the representative of Northern Macedonia in the OSCE, Igor DJUNDEV.

_“Everyone is longing for peace now, that is undeniable. But much more important for the future is the big question: How do we keep this peace?“_ said Governor of Burgenland Hans Peter DOSKOZIL as part of his welcoming remarks.

ACP-President Norbert DARABOS emphasised: „With more than 40 years of existence, rich experience and broad network, the ACP can not only point out new questions for peace work, but also find answers – in dialogue. This is what this forum will serve to do.”

ACP-Deputy Director Eva HUBER read a greeting message from UN Secretary-General Antonio GUTERRES, who thanked the ACP for its work. In the opening panel, ACP Director Moritz EHRMANN discussed the difficulty of keeping dialogue open in times of war with Peter NEUMANN (Kings College London), Hanna SHELEST (Ukrainian Prism), Susanne GLASS (Bayerischer Rundfunk) and Christina KOKKINAKIS (European External Action Service).

In total, around 400 guests from 30 nations are expected to attend the four-day conference. At open formats, such as a panel discussion with best-selling author Marc ELSBERG or the film screening of „Aya“ (Wednesday, 5 July), the local population is also welcome. Registration is possible via www.peaceforum.at.


Pictures of the Event: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1o5nrNy27bNMx9d7fZGeCOO-ykaAt54e2?usp=drive_link

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